Archive for February, 2015


I’ve recently discovered the art of Pyrography by browsing the web for creative things do. Specifically, I was looking for something anything that I could handcraft and give to my wife as a gift for Valentine’s Day. Cheesy, but women are so into those little things.

I came across Pyrography by researching how some custom built tube amplifiers were built with gorgeous faceplates employing hard wood and burnt brand names.  While researching the art, I was amazed to found out that there’s a whole universe dedicated to the art. A lot of dedicated websites about Pyrography are in abundance. Apparently, there’s a whole line of equipment and apparatus used to make Pyrography art. The prices of these things are beyond me. I only plan to do one offs, so as most of my DIY attempts I have to use whatever is currently at my disposal.

Pyrography 1

Meat Smoke amp by Verellen Amplification with burnt logo. Could have been either made by ‘branding’ or ‘pyrography’, whatever technique is used it looks awesome…

Pyrography 2

Dwarvenaut 20 tube amp by Hovercraft with beautiful pyrography work on the top of the head shell.

So I had to make use of my old and rusty but trusty 30w soldering iron. It’s one cheap Japanese brand that so far hasn’t let me down. So cheap that I haven’t even replaced the original tip that has been sanded to death to remove oxidation.

Pyrography 3

Takumi brand 30w run of the mill soldering iron.

There’s a ton of information out there on how to make Pyrography art. So much information in fact, that I decided to forego any established technique and just freehand the art and let my creative juices guide me. I concluded that the rawness of the outcome would have an endearing look and feel into it. Know that I am in no way good with art. But I try hard. Believe and you will achieve and pray that you don’t mess up along the way… That has been my mantra and forever will be. 😉

Pyrography 4

Initially had pencil outlines but decided to freehand it the rest of the way.

Obviously, this isn’t going to be an Instructable. Rather, I am sharing this to prove a point that you could use something decent or half decent with everyday items. One doesn’t have to be limited to whatever the mainstream sells you. Everyone has the creative pulse to make life of something you and your love ones can be proud off. You don’t need anyone’s opinion. What matters at the end of the day, is you satisfy that little artsy demon (or angel) inside of you and know that your creation will be appreciated by someone, at least to some extent.

Pyrography 5

Front and back pieces. Finished with glossy clear coat of acrylic spray paint.

Pyrography 6

Side detail.