Pre-amp tube replacement for Orange Micro Terror: JJ 5751 review

Posted: January 21, 2014 in Life Hacks
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I recently purchased JJ’s iteration of the 5751 pre-amp tube. I have been using the stock JJ EC883 tube on my Micro Terror for the past year and thought a replacement, or at least a backup that I can experiment with, wouldn’t hurt.

I specifically chose the 5751 tube based on the description I found on

The JJ 5751 has all of the qualities we have come to expect from JJ Electronic, a nice tight low end, a natural open mid, a great harmonic structure and a sweet high end that is not brittle. This is a great tube for V1 if you’re trying to drop the gain a little and improve headroom. You can also use a balanced version of this tube as a phase inverter to further increase headroom in amps that incorporate a long tail phase inverter circuit and usually use a 12AX7 or ECC83.

I liked how it was described and I would say that they are right on 100% with the description. Now, the main reason I selected this tube was to somewhat improve the amps’ gain tone. If you’ve played through a Micro Terror before, you’d know that coaxing any high gain setting with the volume cranked would sound really muddy and un-refined. JJ’s 5751 was the perfect cure. It instantly took away the unbearable mud you’d usually hear with gain knob past 3 o’clock and volume cranked. This tube is definitely a keeper. I have now shelved the stock EC833s.

Clean. My Lace Hemi humbuckers are described as having sparkly, bell-like tones. For a while, I’ve never really paid much attention to this as I am down tuned to C# standard 100% of the time. I really don’t expect to hear Fender-esque tones, nor have the desire to. The very first tune I played after plugging into the Terror with the replacement 5751 tube was APC’s The Stranger, one my favorites off their 2nd album. With the tone knob on my guitar rolled off to about 3-4, I was really amazed to hear an acoustic like tone with a really sweet high end yet still retaining that woody mid sound which I really like. Far from a Fender type clean, but a clean sound that I really like. Detuned, acoustic-like, with bell like top end that is strong and refined.

Distortion. I made a few adjustments on the rest of my rig to compensate for the change in the Micro Terror’s tone after changing into the 5751. The verdict is still in progress, but I do love my distortion sound on the stock EC833s. If plugged in direct, the 5751s gain is no question better than the ec833s as it retained clarity even with the amps gain knob past 3 o’clock and volume cranked. The predicament is with balancing and eq’ing the rest of my pedalboard in, which is something I still have to experiment with.

Settings: Amp volume cranked, tone at 1 o’clock, gain at 11 o’clock if using pedalboard distortion/OD. Gain at almost 3 o’clock when plugged in direct.

Verdict. Definitely a keeper. I would reckon that the JJ’s 5751 would sound good with any amp from Orange’s Terror series. I also think it would sound good in any V1 position of an all-tube amp. If you’re looking to tame the gain stage of your amp without losing volume, then this is for you. I play mostly classic riffigin’ and modern sludge, doom, stoner tunes and the tone I get from the 5751 suits me fine. Now, I need to secure funds to try out some JAN 5751s. 

  1. Cemhan Baykal says:

    Hi…I also have a Orange MicroTerror head and a PPC108 cabinet. I really found out that yours is the only informative entry on the internet regarding a MicroTerrror’s tube replacement matter. I really appreciate that.

    I ordered a PreferredSeries7025for a perfect mix of the fat tone of Mullard and the clarity of Tung-sol. I hope, I reach my expectations shall get realized… 🙂

    I’d like to learn the process how you replaced the tube. Especially, is there a specific care to be shown while removing the stock tube from its slots? Some years ago, I had a problem with mh valve distortion pedal to replace the tube from its slot and I utilised the help of WD-40. However, in this new amp, I don’t want to use it…

    In addition to that, can you please give some more information about stage settings if you’ve ever used this amp with the new tube… Firstly, I wonder what type of cabinet you use it with and do you think that the MicroTerror can be used for live performances?

    Finally, I’D be glad if you can provide information about your FX setup too. Do you use a processor or an analog setup? Wha type of OD/Distortion you use, compressors,wah etc.

    Once again…Thanks for the information here. I also have an intention to do something similiar on my blog site.

    • Jay says:

      Hey there! I am genuinely glad that you’ve found my article informative, that means a lot for someone whose purposes in blogging is to give back to the internet community. 🙂

      I have another Micor Terror article detailing how I was able to take in and out the tube. Basically, you’d want wear gloves and just manually pull out the tube by wiggling it back and forth. No need for lubes.

      Yes, I would say you can use the amp and the ppc108 combo live. Just mic the cab. I haven’t used mine in a real live setting, but I have friends that come over my house to jam and they found my volume and tone satisfactory for small venues. I am using a 2×8 cabinet that I built myself. I’ll blog about it once I have the free time to do so. It has the same dimension and tone charactheristic of Ear Candy’s 2×8 Bailey cab, a design I admittedly ripped off. 😉

      My signal chain is simply guitar>pedalboard>micro terror> diy cab.
      My pedalboard currently have: the screecher(a diy boost/OD/fuzz pedal that I made) > ehx big muff w/ tone wicker > joyo ultimate distrotion > joyo chorus sound > yamaha analog delay.

      I hope you find this useful and do post your experiments once you’ve come around doing them.


  2. nurseperson says:

    Just found this blog, thanks for posting the info., very helpful!

  3. Nathan Pendery says:

    Hi, thank you so much for this blog post! I recently got a MT and I really love it but I found it did get the dark fizzy sound that you mentioned and I wanted to solve that. So I decided to get a JJ5751 too and it was just perfect! Solved every issue I had with it. It definitely increase the clean capabilities as now I can get I decent clean tone with the gain at half way which has increased the volume massively. I would actually say that there is more gain now so the gain control is a bit more sensitive but there is definitely a lot more useable gain as it retains it treble and clarity very nicely indeed! Thanks again and everyone that has a MT should try this!

  4. Eddy T says:

    Awesome post. I am thinking about changing out the tube for more headroom.
    I actually love this amp but always try to improve if possible.
    I have recently gigged a few weekends in a 4 pc classic rock type band—nice size venues.
    I normally have been gigging with my 1966 blackface Fender Tremolux head ran to a mic’d up 1-12 cab facing me as a monitor/mic’d cab.
    The Orange is awesome–I recently had a cab with a 10 inch.
    I reloaded the cab with an Eminance Red Fang 8 ohm speaker and gigged this weekend that way.
    WOW!!!!!! What a combo, light and easy.
    It sounds HUGE. I received a lot of good words and people had to marvel when I showed them my rig.
    FYI–I use a pedal board with a cheap Joyo -American Sound always on after my distortion pedals ala rat clone/OCD/Caline Pure Sky. This way the Joyo works as an amp face—EQ / and volume and gain structure.
    I have been running the Orange basically straight up 6 o’clock across the board for my settings.
    I am so happy and so is my back.
    I have a mesa-212 tremoverb and and many many Fenders and Music Man amps/Blues Jr etc. that will end up sitting around now.

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